
Br. J. Cogn. Psychother.

In the land of learning, where knowledge does grow, There's a journal of therapy, that we all should know. It's called Cognitive Psychotherapy, a treasure so rare, Filled with wisdom and insights, beyond compare. Peer-reviewed and scholarly, it's a trusted source, For those who seek understanding, on a therapeutic course. Springer Publishing brings it to life, with each issue, With articles and research, to help us all pursue. Once two journals merged, in a harmonious blend, Cognitive Behaviorist and British Journal, my friend. Their union created a publication so grand, A beacon of knowledge, across the academic land. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, the focus it holds, Helping minds and hearts, as their stories unfold. Through evidence-based practices, it guides the way, To bring healing and hope, to those who may stray. So let's celebrate this journal, a treasure so fine, For it opens our minds, like a sparkling sunshine. In the world of therapy, it shines like a star, The Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy, near and far. Random page: AD35