

A mighty engine, RD-270, did stand. Designed by Energomash, with skill and might, To power rockets, reaching for the height. A liquid-bipropellant engine, so shiny and new. UDMH and N2O4, the propellants it would use, To soar through the sky, with power it would cruise. 640 metric tons, with all its might. On UR-700 and UR-900, it was to be placed, And on the N1, it would have embraced. 26 MPa, it could withstand. Full-flow staged combustion, it did employ, Turning fuel into gas, with great joy. On December 11th, 1970, the work was through. But the RD-270, in our hearts it will remain, A symbol of innovation, in the rocket's domain. Random page: RDH8