
Uladimr Federov

In Russia's land, a dancer bold, Vladimir Fyodorov, we are told. With graceful moves upon the ice, He twirled and spun, oh, how nice! Alongside Anjelika, his partner true, They danced together, a magical view. In '93, the World they amazed, Bronze medalists, their names praised. Now married and living far away, In the USA, where they now stay. In Illinois, their new home sweet, Where love and happiness they meet. But Vladimir's passion still does shine, As a coach, he spends his time. At SnoKing Ice Arena, he imparts, The art of ice dancing to young hearts. So if you dream to glide and twirl, To dance upon the ice, a graceful swirl, Remember Vladimir's tale so grand, And take his lead, hand in hand. Random page: Ms. Olympia 1991